# Friday, June 25, 2010
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Global Wind Oscillation (GWO) April 1, 2010 - June 23, 2010 Click
Global Wind Oscillation (GWO)
April 1, 2010 - June 23, 2010

Equatorial Pacific SSTs have continued to cool and TAO/TRITON data shows -1.0°C or greater anomalies extending from 95°W to beyond 150°W. According to the CPC's Weekly ENSO Update, issued June 21, the latest weekly SST departures were -0.7°C (Niño1+2), -0.6°C (Niño 3), -0.5°C (Niño 3.4), and 0.0°C (Niño 4). An anomaly of -0.5°C in the Niño 3.4 region is the threshold for La Nina conditions.

The Global Wind Oscillation (GWO) has spiraled well into La Niña territory. The global relative atmospheric angular momentum anomaly is at its lowest value since March 2008, during the La Niña of 2007-2008.

Based on equatorial Pacific SSTs, section plots, tradewinds and cloudiness; and the GWO and AAM; a transition to La Nina conditions appears to be underway.

It looks like Downtown Los Angeles (USC) will likely end the July 1 - June 30 water year having recorded 16.36 inches of rain. This is more than an inch above the 1971-2000 annual climate norm of 15.14 inches.

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