# Saturday, June 5, 2010
« El Nino Wanes, La Nina Ahead? Slight Cha... | Main | Transition to La Nina Underway. SST Anom... »

Niño Region SST Anomalies

Woodland Hills (Pierce College) topped the 90° mark for the first time this year Memorial Day weekend, and after cooling a few degrees during the week, temperatures are back into the 90's this afternoon. A quick look at temps around the area shows temps near 70 on the coast; 80's to 90's in the valleys, and triple digits in the deserts.

Reflecting the transition to ENSO neutral conditions, the Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI) for April-May declined to 0.54. According to the CPC's Weekly ENSO Update, issued June 1, the latest weekly SST departures are -0.6°C (Niño1+2), -0.4°C (Niño 3), -0.2°C (Niño 3.4), and 0.4°C (Niño 4).

In his May 2010 MEI discussion Klaus Wolter projected the probability of a La Nina event emerging by the end of 2010 at roughly 50%. In it's May 2010 ENSO Quick Look, the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) put the probability of La Nina conditions from the August-October season through the remainder of 2010 at 42%. We'll see!

Downtown Los Angeles (USC) has recorded 16.36 inches of rain since the water year began July 1. This is more than an inch above the 1971-2000 annual climate norm of 15.14 inches. The water year ends June 30. Climatology and current forecasts suggest it is unlikely that this total will change by more than a hundredth or two before the end of the month.

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