# Tuesday, November 21, 2017
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The following chart compares various climate parameters for cold ENSO episodes that have occurred since 1949. Except where noted the cold episodes listed are those specified in the CPC's tabulation of Cold & Warm Episodes by Season. The cold and warm episodes are based on the Oceanic Niño Index (ONI), which is calculated using the three month running mean of ERSST.v5 SST anomalies in the Niño 3.4 region with multiple-centered 30 year base periods. A description of the parameters follows the chart. With the exception of years prior to 1957, a Nov-Mar GWO phase space plot is included for each episode. Data for 2017-18 will be updated periodically.

Peak MEI4 Peak MEI Season Peak
Peak ONI Season L.A. Rain GWO
Phase Plot
1949-501,2 v5 -- -1.445 APRMAY -1.5 DJF 9.94 --
1950-511,3 v4 -- -1.235 NOVDEC -0.8 NDJ, DJF 8.21 --
1954-551 v5 -- -1.528 MAYJUN (54) -0.9 ASO 11.94 --
1955-561 v5 -- -2.209 MAYJUN (55) -1.7 OND 16.00 --
1956-571 v3b -- -1.490 MAYJUN (56) -0.4 Several 9.54 --
1961-62 v2 -0.515 -1.065 DECJAN -0.3 ASO, SON 18.79 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1962-63 v3b -1.264 -0.837 JANFEB -0.4 OND, NDJ 8.38 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1964-65 v5 -1.150 -1.476 JULAUG -0.8 ASO - DJF 13.69 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1967-683 v4 -0.773 -1.106 APRMAY -0.7 JFM 16.58 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1970-71 v5 -0.980 -1.870 MARAPR -1.4 DJF, JFM 12.32 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1971-72 v5 -0.174 -1.439 AUGSEP -1.0 OND 7.17 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1973-74 v5 -1.336 -1.912 DECJAN -2.0 NDJ 14.92 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1974-75 v5 -0.846 -1.230 OCTNOV -0.8 OND 14.35 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1975-76 v5 -0.716 -1.968 SEPOCT -1.7 OND, NDJ 7.22 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1983-84 v5 -1.099 -0.509 JANFEB -1.0 OND 10.43 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1984-85 v5 -0.600 -0.715 APRMAY -1.1 NDJ 12.82 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1988-89 v5 -1.144 -1.501 AUGSEP -1.8 OND, NDJ 8.08 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1995-96 v5 -0.227 -0.597 DECJAN -1.0 SON - NDJ 12.46 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1998-99 v5 -0.544 -1.123 JANFEB -1.6 NDJ, DJF 9.09 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1999-00 v5 -0.784 -1.189 JANFEB -1.7 NDJ, DJF 11.57 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
2000-01 v5 -0.801 -.701 OCTNOV -0.7 OND - DJF 17.94 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
2005-06 v5 -0.616 -0.575 MARAPR -0.8 NDJ, DJF 13.19 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
2007-08 v5 -1.015 -1.579 FEBMAR -1.6 NDJ - DJF 13.53 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
2008-09 v5 -0.599 -.723 FEBMAR -0.8 DJF 9.08 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
2010-11 v5 -0.598 -1.888 AUGSEP -1.7 SON, OND 20.20 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
2011-12 v5 -0.371 -0.980 DECJAN -1.1 SON, OND 8.69 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
2016-17 v5 0.088 -0.363 SEPOCT -0.7 ASO - OND 19.00 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
2017-185 v5 -0.550 -0.731 JANFEB -1.0 NDJ 4.68 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1. AAM and AAM tendency anomaly data not available.
2. Based on ONI values beginning with DJF 1949-50.
3. ONI did not meet threshold of 5 consecutive overlapping seasons using ERSST v5.
4. MEI values are normalized and may change as new data is added. Specified values were current as of March 6, 2018.
5. Data as of March 31, 2018.

ERSST Version: The most recent ERSST version for which the episode was designated a cold episode. (See Peak ONI below.)

Nov-Mar AAM: The mean of the global relative atmospheric angular momentum anomaly for the period November 1 to March 31 of the following year. GWO phase space data is calculated using code from the Global Synoptic Dynamic Model page of the PSD Map Room Climate Products. Reference Weickmann and Berry, 2008.

Peak MEI: The peak seasonal value of the Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI). Reference Wolter and Timlin, 1993, 1998. MEI values are normalized and may shift as new data is added.

Peak MEI Season: The peak bi-monthly season(s) for which the MEI is computed.

Peak ONI: The peak Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) based on SST anomalies in the Niño 3.4 region. Reference Climate Prediction Center Cold & Warm Episodes by Season (Multiple centered 30-year base periods.)

Peak ONI Season: The peak tri-monthly season(s) for which the ONI is computed.

L.A. Rain: The July-June rainfall year precipitation total in inches for Downtown Los Angeles (USC). Reference WRCC LOS ANGELES DWTN USC CAMPUS, CA. See Precipitation>Quantity>Monthly Precipitation Listings>Monthly Totals.

GWO Phase Space Plot: Plot of global relative atmospheric angular momentum anomaly vs. global relative atmospheric angular momentum tendency anomaly for the period November 1 to March 31 of the following year. Data is calculated using code from the Global Synoptic Dynamic Model page of the PSD Map Room Climate Products. Reference Weickmann and Berry, 2008.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017 2:00:44 PM (Pacific Standard Time, UTC-08:00)  #    Disclaimer  |   |