# Monday, July 6, 2015
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Following is a chart comparing 2014-15 to warm ENSO episodes that have occurred since 1950. The warm episodes are based on the revised Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) which is calculated using the three month running mean of ERSST.v4 SST anomalies in the Niño 3.4 region with multiple-centered 30 year base periods. Unless noted the warm episodes are those specified in the CPC's tabulation of Cold & Warm Episodes by Season. A description of the parameters follows the chart. With the exception of years prior to 1957, a GWO phase space plot is included for each warm episode.

Year Jul-Sep
Peak MEI Peak MEI Season Peak
Peak ONI Season L.A. Rain GWO
Phase Plot
1951-521 -- -- 0.847 JULAUG 0.9 SON 26.21 --
1952-532 -- -- 0.788 APRMAY 0.7 FMA-AMJ 9.46 --
1953-542 -- -- 0.520 AUGSEP 0.8 ASO, SON, OND 11.99 --
1957-583 -- 0.773 1.472 DECJAN, JANFEB 1.7 DJF 21.13 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1958-59 -0.919 -0.206 0.807 JANFEB 0.6 NDJ, DJF, JFM 5.58 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1963-64 0.005 0.046 0.859 OCTNOV, DECJAN 1.2 SON, OND 7.93 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1965-66 -0.826 -0.748 1.477 JULAUG 1.8 OND 20.44 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1968-69 0.130 0.513 0.867 JANFEB 1.0 JFM 27.47 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1969-70 0.358 0.413 0.653 OCTNOV 0.8 ASO, SON, OND 7.77  
1972-73 -0.096 -0.239 1.896 JUNJUL, JULAUG 2.0 OND 21.26 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1976-77 0.284 -0.828 1.024 AUGSEP 0.8 OND,NDJ 12.31 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1977-78 -0.646 1.008 1.006 SEPOCT, OCTNOV 0.8 OND, NDJ 33.44 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1979-804 0.496 -0.013 1.016 NOVDEC 0.6 NDJ, DJF 26.98 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1982-83 0.938 2.337 3.024 FEBMAR 2.1 OND,NDJ, DJF 31.25 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1986-875 0.232 0.019 2.140 APRMAY 1.2 JFM 7.66 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1987-885 1.153 1.000 1.956 JULAUG 1.6 JAS, ASO 12.48 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1991-92 -0.008 0.808 2.269 MARAPR 1.6 DJF 21.00 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1994-95 -0.422 0.764 1.434 SEPOCT 1.0 NDJ 24.35 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
1997-98 1.811 1.481 3.005 JULAUG,AUGSEP 2.3 OND, NDJ 31.01 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
2002-03 0.047 0.324 1.185 DECJAN 1.3 OND 16.49 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
2004-05 -0.020 0.747 1.032 FEBMAR 0.7 JAS-NDJ 37.25 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
2006-07 0.143 -0.322 1.299 OCTNOV 1.0 NDJ 3.21 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
2009-10 -0.103 0.303 1.524 JANFEB 1.3 NDJ,DJF 16.36 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot
2014-156 -0.526 -0.297 0.967, 1,567 APRMAY14, APRMAY15 0.6 OND, NDJ 8.52 Click for Nov-Mar GWO Phase Space Plot

1. AAM and AAM tendency anomaly data for 1951-52 not available.
2. Continuous warm episode from DJF 1952/53 to DJF 1954.
3. AAM anomaly is average for Jan-Mar 1958.
4. Warm episode per ERSST.v4, but not ERSST.v3b.
5. Continuous warm episode from ASO 1986 to JFM 1988.
6. Warm episode per ERSST.v3b, but not ERSST.v4.

Jul-Sep AAM & Nov-Mar AAM: The mean of the global relative atmospheric angular momentum anomaly for the periods July 1 to September 30 amd November 1 to March 31 of the following year. Data is from the GWO phase space data file linked on the Global Synoptic Dynamic Model page of the PSD Map Room Climate Products. Reference Weickmann and Berry, 2008.

Peak MEI: The peak seasonal value of the Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI). Reference Wolter and Timlin, 1993, 1998. MEI values are normalized and may shift as new data is added.

Peak MEI Season: The peak bi-monthly season(s) for which the MEI is computed.

Peak ONI: The peak Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) based on SST anomalies in the Niño 3.4 region. Reference Climate Prediction Center Cold & Warm Episodes by Season (Multiple centered 30-year base periods.)

Peak ONI Season: The peak tri-monthly season(s) for which the ONI is computed.

L.A. Rain: The July-June rainfall year precipitation total in inches for Downtown Los Angeles (USC). Reference WRCC LOS ANGELES DWTN USC CAMPUS, CA.

GWO Phase Space Plot: Plot of global relative atmospheric angular momentum anomaly vs. global relative atmospheric angular momentum tendency anomaly for the period November 1 to March 31 of the following year. Data is from the GWO phase space data file linked on the Global Synoptic Dynamic Model page of the PSD Map Room Climate Products. Reference Weickmann and Berry, 2008.